A twisted ankle is always no fun, but with these 6 simple, helpful tricks you can be back on your feet in a matter of hours!
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The Twisted Ankle Story
Recently my daughter, Rachel, twisted her ankle by stepping on her foot incorrectly and twisted it. She managed to scoot off to the side of the playground, but couldn’t stand or walk. Her younger sister, Elizabeth, came and got me.
This happened early in the day, and I had to volunteer from 7:30am-1pm. Rachel twisted her ankle around
I gave her some Arnica tablets for pain, but that was all I had with me at that time. She was given crutches and as soon as we got home I put some helichrysum and Deep Blue essential oil on it and had her do the steps to RICE. Read on for details!
(We didn’t have to see a doctor for this, but you may need to see a doctor for your twisted ankle. This is not meant to answer every issue with a sprained or twisted ankle. I considered taking her to the doctor, but ended up not needing to take her.)
What I Did to Help
Once we got home, Rachel was in great pain and didn’t want to move, so I had her set up camp on the sofa and do the following:
As many people know, RICE stands for Rest, Ice, Compression
Arnica is a natural pain reliever that has two wonderful forms and are both easy to use. This has really helped relieve pain for our family for many things such as sunburns, back pain and apparently, twisted ankles.
Arnica isn’t those yucky pills or syrups you have to take. It is little ball-like, sugar tasting pills that you place under your tongue and
Arnica is also in gel form that you can apply to the sore spot. We have both and they help so much!
Epsom Salt Baths
Epsom salt baths are a great chance to relax. Rachel didn’t sleep well when her ankle hurt, but the bath is a time where your ankle (being in the water) doesn’t hurt as much, and she fell asleep for a few minutes in the relaxing tub.
Epsom salt also pulls toxins out of your body, and the hot water loosens up your tight muscles. You can just use Epsom salt if that’s all you have, but essential oils help a lot too. So I added 1-2 drops of each: Helichrysum, Deep Blue, Lavender, and Peppermint to help soothe
You can get more ideas about how to make your own healthy remedies here.
We used to take turmeric in a pill form so it takes away from the strong taste of the spice. (If you use it in cooking, make sure you use black pepper because without it, the turmeric will not be absorbed by your body as well.)
Now we take turmeric in essential oil form because it is absorbed so much better by the body. Turmeric helped to relieve the pain and inflammation in her ankle. You can find more information on the benefits of turmeric here.
Helichrysum Essential Oil
Helichrysum essential oil has been helpful in many cases and this time was no exception. I applied it to her skin and let it sit. It may feel oily, but the pain in this case went down.
Quercetin is a newer find in our family, but I also gave this to Rachel. It can help with inflammation as well as pain. If you would like to read more about the amazing benefits of Quercetin, you can read this.
For More Help
A great website for added help is NourishDoc.com. They have many natural remedies like acupuncture and other solutions we did not try. You can get a wellness plan just for you, and you can read case studies listed on their site. Please check this out if you need more information.
Aren’t you glad that we can use so many natural remedies to help ourselves or our families when things like a twisted ankle happen?
Comment below to let me know what works best for your twisted ankle problems. And please don’t forget to share this helpful information with your friends.
What great pain relief alternatives for a twisted ankle
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