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Quick Tips for Organizing Christmas Decorations

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Please enjoy my fast tips for organizing Christmas decorations this holiday season.

We have moved so much through the years that Christmas decorations are one of those things we hardly have anymore. We reduced all of our ornaments down to one small shoebox to take to China with us. It’s amazing how much we can do without when we need to. Now that we are back in the US, we will build up a small collection of more ornaments, but I don’t think we will ever be ones to hoard them because we have chosen to live a minimalist lifestyle in favor of travel and serving others.

Anyway, like so many things in life, it is easy to overdo the holidays. You buy turkey platters, Thanksgiving serving dishes, Christmas plates and over-the-top decorations. These things are fun and festive, but too much is difficult to manage with the cleaning, packing, and storing. Before you buy a lot of things you may not really need, here are a few things to consider to minimize holiday clutter.

Tips for Organizing Christmas Decorations

  1. Decorate with only what is important and meaningful. What if you were moving to a different country? What would make it into your “shoebox?”
  2. Once all your decorations and ornaments are out, use the ones you truly enjoy and donate the rest. Maybe you have a friend or family member that could use extra decorations due to financial hardship, a move, or an illness. Let’s be a blessing to others!
  3. If it’s broken or outdated, trash it.
  4. Make room for your kids’ new gifts by holding a toy clean-out morning. Toss or donate anything unused, unloved or broken.
  5. For the ornaments that you decide to keep, consider something like this for protecting, storing, and organizing Christmas decorations.

Christmas Gifts for Others

Also, consider how you can help others stay clutter-free this holiday season. Give gifts that don’t take up space. Some ideas are:

Enjoy purging and organizing Christmas decorations this year, and Merry Christmas!! Please remember to share with a friend.

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