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Simple Ways to Organize a Baby Nursery

Organize A Baby Nursery

How to organize a baby nursery? This can be a challenge since babies need so much stuff. Let’s get started!

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Simple Ways to Organize a Baby Nursery

Babies come with so much stuff! There are toys, clothes, furniture, etc. Without good organization, a child’s belongings can easily overrun your home before he/she is even born. With this in mind, remember that you don’t need everything baby stores sell.

To help with your thoughts on how to organize a baby nursery, ask mom friends you know if they have some things you could borrow. Borrowing costs less, and when you are done with something (like clothes), you can return it to the lender, thus saving space in the long run.

Also ask other parents to have a look around their baby’s nursery. Then ask them what is really needed and what is unnecessary especially if you are a first time mom. Start building from the basics, and then get some optional items if money and space are no object.

Some of the basics I used include:

Related: Closet Organization

Babies’ items take up a lot of space, and need to be in many rooms of the house (kitchen, bedroom, bathroom), but with some thought and organization, their stuff doesn’t have to be in your way. Dedicate one kitchen cabinet to baby items, or give them a shelf in your linen closet. Keep their things handy, yet separate, from your things. And just remember… they are definitely worth the effort!

Please comment below with your favorite ways to organize a baby nursery. And don’t forget to share with a friend.

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